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发布日期:2025-01-04 12:07    点击次数:120
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)[赛后贴]今日NBA常规赛,勇士队(27-26)客场140-137战胜爵士队(26-30)。双方数据爵士(26-30):乔治33分2篮板6助攻3抢断、塞克斯顿35分3篮板9助攻、凯斯勒4分6篮板2助攻、科林斯18分13篮板2助攻、马尔卡宁20分13篮板3助攻、克拉克森13分2篮板9助攻、邓恩8分5篮板2抢断。勇士(27-26):库里16分2篮板10助攻、克莱35分6篮板2助攻、格林23分5篮板5助攻4抢断、波杰姆斯基13分6篮板8助攻、库明加13分5篮板4助攻、维金斯19分7篮板2助攻、基诺内斯6分4助攻、佩顿4分3篮板2抢断、萨里奇7分3篮板2助攻、戴维斯4分2助攻。 [–]MKenshiX 324 points 4 hours agoWarriors try to play non-clutch game, challenge impossible球迷:勇士本想挑战下自己的软肋,打一场不胶着的比赛,最终挑战宣告失败... [–]San Francisco WarriorsCollege_Prestige 2 points 4 hours agoWarriors love to provide a good entertainment product huh勇士球迷:这么喜欢玩悬念是吧?!你倒是去拍悬疑片啊,靠!!! [–]Warriorsmaethlin 2 points an hour agoHeart attack warriors trying to ensure they have no fans standing by end of season.勇士球迷:大家不要误会...勇士这么做,只是为了确保在本赛季结束后,让这个世界上一个勇蜜都不剩...这是心脏病手术失败,他没安好心啊!!![–]WarriorsPure_Measurement_529 40 points 4 hours agoI wonder how many years of my life I have lost by watching the last 5 minutes of warriors games勇士球迷:不管我拿计算器按多少遍,也算不清因为看勇士队最后5分钟的比赛,老子到底折了多少阳寿!!![–]WarriorsJonna09 11 points 2 hours agoThis fucking season alone勇士球迷:光光是看了本赛季勇士的比赛,为了算我的阳寿,阎王爷不知敲坏了多少只计算器了!!![–]Warriorsdumbo_dee_elefunt 3 points 4 hours agoI’ve aged around 130 years this season watching this goddamn team play勇士球迷:看了本赛季勇士的比赛,阎王爷有一天托梦跟我说,我已经倒欠他70年阳寿了!!! [–]Warriorsnyy5 215 points 4 hours agoI would’ve killed myself勇士球迷:我差点自杀啊~[–]Warriors__spartacus 42 points 4 hours agoTrigger was halfway through勇士球迷:我当时板机都已经扣到一半了... [–]WarriorsCrackedandimplat 53 points 4 hours agoIf you don’t like that, you don’t like warriors basketball 😤勇士球迷:你连个心脏病都舍不得犯,你还敢说自己是勇士球迷??😤 [–]Warriorsjbvann05 23 points 4 hours agoI'm starting to hate warriors basketball勇士球迷:屁话!我已经对勇士队粉转黑了!! [–][GSW] Kevon LooneyARGHETH 5 points 3 hours agoHey, at least we're consistent.勇士球迷:喂喂喂!!都TM说什么呢!场场都能玩心跳,这么看来,至少咱们勇士队一直很吻腚啊!! [–]Australiahbt15 3 points 2 hours agoSteph just wants to add the clutch player trophy to his stash of other silverware.球迷:胡思乱想,幼稚!很简单!库里意识到自己的奖杯架上缺一个“关键球员奖”,于是他想搞一个,丰富下自己的人设纬度~仅此而已! [–]simon2105 205 points 4 hours agoKerr: "why tf didn't I bench him from the start of the season smh"球迷:科尔心想:“靠北了!!!早知道我一开始就该让克莱替补了啊!!![–][GSW] Zarko CabarkapaIAmNotKevinDurant_35 39 points 3 hours agoI feel so bad for laughing at “Darvin Hamas”勇士球迷:哈姆!!我一直喊你头孢!!我欠你一个道歉!!!科尔这小子比你更混!![–]San Francisco WarriorsCasualrodfarva2 83 points 4 hours agoThis fucking team man, Jesus勇士球迷:勇士队这他娘的!观音菩萨都救不了你们!![–]Supersonicsdawalrusine 58 points 4 hours agoShoutout to Draymond he was balling超音速球迷:不过追梦今天可不得了!他发挥了啊!注:今日追梦14投9中,三分5投3中,罚球4罚2中,砍下23分5篮板5助攻4抢断2盖帽 [–]WarriorsWakingRage 31 points 4 hours agoHe was stealing shit left and right and hitting big buckets. One of his most complete games I've seen in quite some time勇士球迷:追梦左偷右抢,还会命中关键球!我很久没见过他这么牛逼了! [–]Bullsim_into_anything 32 points 4 hours agoHaven't tuned in in 8 years. Good to see Klay and Dray is still performing at a high level. Is Steph washed now? He missed a couple of fts, only 4/14 shooting and 2/8 on 3s公牛球迷:同志们,我已经8年没看比赛了,今天一看,原来克莱和追梦还是这么屌啊!!不过...库里是不是已经拉了?罚球不靠谱,投篮14中4,三分8中2...??注:今天库里全场14投4中,三分8中2,罚球8中6,得到16分2篮板10助攻。 [–]WarriorsParenegade 987 points 5 hours agoKlay does NOT want to lose his starting spot.勇士球迷:今天看来,克莱是真不想失去首发位置啊!!! [–]PistonsSpiritual_Boss6114 74 points 4 hours ago*He already lost it.He is better as a 6th man.Gets more touches. Looks and can be himself on offense. When Chris Paul comes back. This team will seriously be a scary team for anyone in the playoffsThere is a stat that CP3 lead the Warriors bench in offensive ratings in the league. Or like top 5 or something.Yeah. This team is still scary.活塞球迷:非也!!克莱已经失去首发啦...他作为第六人发挥得更好...能得到更多的触球,而且可以在进攻端他能做自己!等保罗回来后,勇士队能成为季后赛的大杀器!有个数据说保罗替补出场时,球队进攻效是联盟第一或者前5啥的...到时候勇士队还是相当吓人的![–]Raptors-HeisenBird- 7 points 3 hours agoThis performance is going to keep him on the bench. He was perfect there today.猛龙球迷:没错!依克莱今天的发挥,他用实力证明替补就是他的归宿!今天替补发挥可太完美了啊!![–]San Francisco WarriorsImTheBestNerd 134 points 5 hours agoi mean he's not really playing any differently tbh勇士球迷:大伙儿!别高潮了啊!其实克莱他今天的打法,和以前其实也没什么不一样的啦!![–]San Francisco Warriorsyanansawelder 290 points 5 hours agoYes he is, he's hitting his shots and not taking double teamed yeets勇士球迷:可不是嘛!他今天只不过碰巧投篮准了而已...而且他压根就不处理双人包夹![–]San Francisco WarriorsImTheBestNerd 123 points 5 hours agoI mean he’s taking some craaazy shots rn tbh lol勇士球迷:有一说一,他不是还在那儿瞎几把投篮吗?哈哈哈哈!!! [–]NBAFlabbypuff 58 points 5 hours agoWhen he's boiling hot everybody wants to see him let it fly lol. The problem is he always thinks he's on fire even when he's missed 5 in a row.球迷:当克莱手感火的时候,他瞎几把投大家也爱看!但他真正的毛病是,哪怕连续打铁5次,他还是认为自己是神射手啊!![–]LakersG1Spectrum 592 points 6 hours agoBro took that benching personally湖人球迷:克莱今天是真的咽不下打替补这口气啊!![–]San Francisco Warriorsyanansawelder 200 points 5 hours agoGood勇士球迷:好极了!要的就是他咽不下的这口气!! [–]WarriorsStellewind 71 points 5 hours agoI suppose that’s the whole point of doing it.勇士球迷:别搞糊涂了!这不就是让他替补的真正目的吗?[–]ClippersSuckMyLonzoBalls 25 points 5 hours agoGo back to starting him please快船球迷:克莱可赶紧回首发吧...要是他老是替补,可太难对付啦!!![–]Warriorsoditd001 112 points 6 hours agoKeep him there and keep him motivated because he’s really cooking off spite alone勇士球迷:不要啊!继续让克莱替补啊!!继续拿替补去激他啊!!他打替补真的猛啊!![–]NetsMightyActionGaim 45 points 5 hours agoKerr gonna get tricked again oh no篮网球迷:科尔估计又会被克莱今天的表现给骗了,让他回首发,可不要啊!! [–]LakersDarkKnightCometh 3 points 5 hours agoIronically making the bench decision look like a smart move. Bench Klay = Prime MJ湖人球迷:太讽刺啦!这么看来,是不是让克莱打替补还是个明智的决定啦?...替补克莱=巅峰乔丹...[–]WarriorsBanned3rdTimesaCharm 3 points 3 hours agoKlay vs second units is easy buckets.勇士球迷:只能说,克莱打对手第二阵容,手拿把枪啊!![–]Warriorsnomitycs 266 points 6 hours agoPodz is having a better game still thankfully勇士球迷:不过谢天谢地啊, 波姐打得还是比克莱好...[–]Celtics [BOS] The Jaysluke_workin 108 points 6 hours agoSheesh Podz is such a good rookie. Just steady all around凯尔特人球迷:波姐可真是个好菜鸟啊~他的稳定性真的是全方位的!!注:本场比赛,波杰姆斯基得到13分6篮板8助攻,正负值+5。来源:Reddit【来源:直播吧】